HackRF Portapack H2+

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HackRF Portapack H2+

2024-06-10 02:55:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

What is HackRF One?

The Portapack H2+ with HackRF module is a product characterized radio that goes from 1 megahertz to 6 gigahertz and is presumably the most disregarded gadget out there. It is a duplex radio that you can utilize either to get or communicate signals. You can not do both however simultaneously.

HackRF One HackRF One Portapack H2Portapack H2+

Table of Contents

What is HackRF used for?Hackrf One as Spectrum AnalyzerHackRF Frequency ScannerCubicSDR Software for HackRF One What is HackRF used for?

On the LCD screen, you'll have the option to see the get and the communicate segments. You can do a great deal of cool stuff with it for instance, on the get segment you'll see as the "Sound" choice which you can use for channel total or use it as a range analyzer that will show you waveforms of amplifiers that are being utilized.

Homepage of the HackRF OneHomepage Receiver Section of the HackRF OneReceiver Section Hackrf One as Spectrum Analyzer HackRF one used as a Spectrum Analyzer.Spectrum Analyzer using the Audio Option in Receiver Section

There is likewise a great deal of cool stuff you can do in the communicate segment. You can send APRS information, reenact GPS, burger pagers, soundboard or even a jammer assuming it's lawful in your country.

The Transmit Section of the HackRF OneTransmit Section

For the catch area, you will consider a cascade to be assuming that you are utilizing a SDR on a PC. The catch instrument is extraordinary for recording and playing back fixed codes.

Capture tool preview Capture option in theTransmit Section

On the replay segments you can check here the records you need to play. Simply tap on the record and it will begin playing.

Replay section under the Trasmit SectionReplay Option

For different choices on the landing page you will see 4 yellow symbols: Calls, scanner, mouthpiece and the mirror. The capacity of these choices resemble a fundamental normal radio.

Homepage showing the yellow options in the HackRF One

Assuming you go to Calls and pay attention to a melody, you will see a meter that goes all over. Same goes for the scanner, it capacities like an ordinary radio. Something cool with regards to this choice is that it can make log records that you can save and import to a PC. The receiver choice capacities the manner in which it does which is to communicate and the last one is the mirror which essentially works as an exceptionally wide cascade that can be set from zero to 7200.

Search Section of the HackRF OneCalls Option Looking Glass Section of the HackRF OneLooking Glass Option HackRF Frequency Scanner HackRF Frequency Scanner Option CubicSDR Software for HackRF One

There is additionally a choice in the landing page which is the HackRF choice. Utilizing the CubicSDR on your PC you can see precisely what recurrence you are tuned to and the testing rate too. CubicSDR is a Software Defined Radio that upholds a wide scope of programming to filter radio frequencies.

CubicSDR Software for HackRF OneCubicSDR Application

At the point when you open the CubicSDR programming, search for the HackRF One under "Gadgets" and afterward "Manual". In the wake of picking the HackRF one and squeezing the "Start" button, the product will promptly crash. It is normal since its an open source programming. Be that as it may, to fix this issue, later the product crashes, press the reset button on the HackRF gadget, resume CubicSDR and press start and it should work impeccably.

HackRF One Reset Button

To track down stuff to pay attention to, you can go to a source document site called radioreference.com. Go to data sets, then, at that point, Frequency Database. Once on the following page, select the State/Country you are in and you'll be directed to a page comprising of the relative multitude of frequencies accessible in your space.

You can utilize either the CubicSDR or the Hack Graph without anyone else, be that as it may, the vast majority of these frequencies are scrambled so it should utilize the SDR sharp.

Full Project details are here.

A source file website for frequency database GET YOUR OWN HACKRF + PORTAPACK






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